Hello My name is

Johann Olivares

Full-Stack Web Developer

Highly experienced web developer who builds and designs smart user interfaces for rich web applications.

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My Expertise

I have built vairous kinds of web applications to solve a multitude of problems. From simple landing pages, to custom ecommerce solutions and even deploying social media scale projects. I enjoy solving problems and learning everyday.

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Every failure is one step closer to success.
Skills & Experience

My main area of expertise is backend development (predominantly with PHP.)

I enjoy building small and medium web applications with React, custom libraries, features, and coding interactive layouts. I also have full-stack developer experience with one of the most popular open source CMS on the web - WordPress

Visit my Linkedin for more details.

My Portfolio

Ecommerce Platform

Efit Apparel

Efit is a simple Ecommerce solution that utilizes the Paypal API to serve as the payment gateway.

Built with: HTML, CSS, JS, PHP, PayPal API, and mySQL Database

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Available for select freelance opportunities

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